What Do We Do In Class?
Lesson Introductions
Each new lesson will be introduced by a facilitator. Through the use of a powerpoint presentation, they will give an overview of the upcoming chapter, explain new and key concepts, and help the participants to better grasp the material they will read.
Devotional Word
Devotions are presented by facilitators throughout the course in order to reinforce key Biblical mission concepts and highlight important themes.
Focused Prayer on the Least Reached
Using the provided prayer booklets, participants will engage in prayer focused on the major blocs of least reached people groups found throughout the world and right at our doorstep.
Short videos follow the lesson introductions. These include teaching videos from prominent mission personalities such as Ralph Winter and Don Richardson as well as inspirational and thought provoking videos that reinforce the lessons’ themes.
Reading and Worksheets
The reader includes 9 chapters that are assigned for reading throughout the course (see the reader outline below). Each reading is accompanied with a worksheet to help participants process the key points and respond with real life action steps.
Growth Point Groups
Break out small group sessions, accompanied by a facilitator, in which the participants can have group interaction. This provides an environment for hearing what is impacting one another, prayer, and growth toward tangible action.
Cultural Activities
The course includes several special cultural activities that provide unique learning opportunities. That’s all we’ll tell you though. The rest is top secret :)
The course concludes with a session dedicated to integration. This is a vital step in which participants are given the opportunity to identify steps needed to internalize what has been learned into their daily lives allowing the vision that is caught during the course to be kept active over the long run.
Each new lesson will be introduced by a facilitator. Through the use of a powerpoint presentation, they will give an overview of the upcoming chapter, explain new and key concepts, and help the participants to better grasp the material they will read.
Devotional Word
Devotions are presented by facilitators throughout the course in order to reinforce key Biblical mission concepts and highlight important themes.
Focused Prayer on the Least Reached
Using the provided prayer booklets, participants will engage in prayer focused on the major blocs of least reached people groups found throughout the world and right at our doorstep.
Short videos follow the lesson introductions. These include teaching videos from prominent mission personalities such as Ralph Winter and Don Richardson as well as inspirational and thought provoking videos that reinforce the lessons’ themes.
Reading and Worksheets
The reader includes 9 chapters that are assigned for reading throughout the course (see the reader outline below). Each reading is accompanied with a worksheet to help participants process the key points and respond with real life action steps.
Growth Point Groups
Break out small group sessions, accompanied by a facilitator, in which the participants can have group interaction. This provides an environment for hearing what is impacting one another, prayer, and growth toward tangible action.
Cultural Activities
The course includes several special cultural activities that provide unique learning opportunities. That’s all we’ll tell you though. The rest is top secret :)
The course concludes with a session dedicated to integration. This is a vital step in which participants are given the opportunity to identify steps needed to internalize what has been learned into their daily lives allowing the vision that is caught during the course to be kept active over the long run.